Bethe/KIC and Wilkins/KIC Theory Postdoctoral Fellowships
Theory Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Bethe/KIC and the Wilkins/KIC Theory Fellowships are high-profile 2-year postdoctoral positions with significant independence and resources. This prize fellowship is designed to attract the best and brightest young theoretical physicists to work with theorists and experimentalists in Cornell's Physics department, and in the larger Cornell community. Our theorist group has broad interests in hard and soft condensed matter physics, including (but not limited to): biophysics, cold atom physics, electronic structure theory, hydrodynamics, machine learning, materials science, statistical physics, strongly correlated electrons, quantum information.
While this fellowship targets theorists, experimentalists are encouraged to consider the KIC Postdoctoral Fellowships for nanoscience.
Please note that for theorists who wish to be considered for sponsorship as a Klarman Fellowship applicant, you must first apply for the Bethe/Wilkins/KIC Fellowship. In the first stage, applications will be considered by the theory group. Leading candidates will then be nominated for consideration by a college-wide selection committee. The Klarman Fellowship is a distinguished postdoctoral program in the College of Arts and Sciences at Cornell. (Please note: the Klarman Fellowship is administrated separately, and a further application will be required.)
In addition to funding from the Kavli Institute at Cornell, the Bethe/KIC Fellowship is supported in part by the Hans Bethe Postdoctoral Fellowship, while the Wilkins/KIC Fellowship is supported by the John Wilkins Postdoctoral Fellowship.
We actively encourage applications from diverse and historically underrepresented candidates.
The Bethe/KIC Theory Postdoctoral Fellowship and the Wilkins/KIC Theory Postdoctoral Fellowship (awards alternate yearly) provide 75% funding for the Fellow’s salary, plus associated fringe benefits, in addition to an annual research expense account. The Cornell faculty sponsor is required to provide the remaining 25% salary + fringe.
Criteria for Selection:
Applications will be judged on the qualifications of the candidate, the quality and originality of the proposed research, and its suitability to the KIC mission. All Fellows agree to put the KIC byline on all publications and presentations during their appointment.
How to Apply:
- Candidate CV
- Publication List
- Research statement (1-3 pages)
- Three (3) letters of recommendation, one of which must be from the candidate's PhD advisor