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Tisch University Professor, Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Emile M. Chamot Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology

173 ST Olin

KIC Experimental Fellow (2022 - pres)

Joseph Silbert Dean of Engineering

KIC Experimental Fellow (2023 - pres)

224 Olin Hall

Horace White Professor, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology

660A ST Olin

NanoNeuro KIC/Columbia Experimental Fellow (2022-2024)

Xu Lab (AEP)

Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Bard Hall, Room 126

KIC Experimental Fellow (2018 - 2021)

Webb@KIC Grad Fellow (2017-2018)

Associate Professor and Mong Family Sesquicentennial Faculty Fellow in Biomedical Engineering, Meinig School of Biomedical Engineering

Kimball Hall, Room 289

Knight@KIC Grad Fellow (2020-2021)

Executive Committee Member, Ex-Officio, as Director of Cornell NanoScale Facility

227 Bard Hall

KIC Experimental Fellow (2010 - 2013)

KIC Grad Fellow (2023-2024)

276 Olin Hall

Knight@KIC Grad Fellow (2022-2023)

Webb@KIC Grad Fellow (2021-2022)

Executive Committee Member, Assistant Professor in Physics/LASSP

Professor, Physics and LASSP

509 Clark Hall

Webb@KIC Grad Fellow (2016-2017)

Knight@KIC Grad Fellow (2019-2020)

James Gilbert White Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Assistant Professor, Applied and Engineering Physics

Assistant Director of Research Initiatives

420 Physical Sciences Building

Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Phillips Hall, Room 308

S.C. Thomas Sze Director of the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Upson Hall, Room 139

Herbert Fisk Johnson Professor of Industrial Chemistry

Bard Hall, Room 329

KIC Experimental Fellow (2013 - 2016)

Professor, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Stanley Bryer 1946 Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Weill Hall, Room 157

Executive Committee Member, Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology

283 Physical Science Bldg

Professor, Applied and Engineering Physics

Clark Hall, Room 228

Knight@KIC Grad Fellow (2016-2017)

Webb@KIC Grad Fellow (2018-2019)

KIC Experimental Fellow (2010 - 2013)

Webb@KIC Grad Fellow (2015-2016)

KIC Experimental Fellow (2020-2023)

John L. Wetherill Emeritus Professor of Physics

Clark Hall 162

KIC Experimental Fellow (2014 - 2017)

KIC Experimental Fellow (2021 - 2024)

B30 Physical Sciences Building

Wilkins/KIC Theory Fellow (2023 -pres)

615 Clark Hall

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Webb@KIC Grad Fellow (2023-2024)

G3 Clark Hall

David E. Burr Professor of Engineering

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Knight@KIC Grad Fellow (2018-2019)

Bethe/Wilkins/KIC Theory Fellow (2022 - 2024)

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Professor, Meinig School of Biomedical Engineering

Weill Hall, Room 235

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor, SIPS

909 Bradfield Hall

Bethe/KIC Theory Fellow (2021-2022)

Bethe/KIC Theory Fellow (2024 - pres)

Clark 638

Nanoscience@KIC Experimental Fellow (2024 - pres)

G02 Physical Sciences Building

KIC Experimental Fellow (2020 - 2023)

KIC/Klarman Experimental Fellow (2023 - pres)


Biggar/KIC Experimental Fellow (2021 - pres)

Knight@KIC Grad Fellow (2015-2016)

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Presidential Postdoc and KIC Fellow (2019-2023)

Professor, Biomedical and Environmental Engineering

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Josephson Family Professor in the College of Arts & Sciences

Clark Hall, Room 521

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Bethe/KIC Theory Fellow (2021 - 2024)

Nanoscience@KIC Experimental Fellow (2024 - pres)

Clark Hall D7

John A. Newman Professor of Physical Science

622 Clark Hall

KIC Experimental Fellow (2023 - pres)

Office: Clark 638, Lab: Clark BE7

Wilkins/KIC Experimental Fellow (2023 - pres)

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Phillips Hall, Room 402

Associate Professor, Applied and Engineering Physics

Clark Hall, Room 223

Co-Director, Samuel B. Eckert Professor of Applied and Engineering Physics

Webb@KIC Graduate Fellowship (AEP)

Assistant Professor, Physics and LASSP

524 Clark Hall

Francis Norwood Bard Professor of Metallurgical Engineering

Professor, Physics and LASSP

528 Clark Hall

Executive Committee Member, Associate Professor in the Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

KIC Experimental Fellow (2022-pres)

Co-Director, F.R. Newman Professor of Physics, Chair of Physics Department

Associate Professor, Physics and LASSP

531 Clark Hall

Joseph P. Ripley Professor of Engineering

Phillips Hall, Room 323

Knight@KIC Grad Fellow (2017-2018)

Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

Bard Hall, Room 129

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Postdoctoral Fellow (2021-2023)

Professor, Meinig School of Biomedical Engineering

Weill Hall, Room 115

Tisch University Professor

Bard Hall, Room 230

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Knight@KIC Graduate Fellowship (Engineering)

B94 Physical Sciences Building

Knight@KIC Grad Fellow (2021-2022)

Walter S. Carpenter Professor of Engineering, Applied and Engineering Physics

Clark Hall, Room 274

James A. Weeks Professor of Physical Sciences, Director of LASSP

KIC Experimental Fellow (2021-2023)

Knight@KIC Grad Fellow (2014-2015)

KIC Experimental Fellow (2022 - 2024)

284 Physical Sciences Building

KIC Experimental Fellow (2023-pres)

B30 Physical Sciences Building

Gordon L. Dibble '50 Professor, Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

167A Olin Hall

Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

Bard Hall, Room 226

Knight@KIC Grad Fellow (2023-2024)

316 Olin Hall

Webb@KIC Grad Fellow (2019-2020)

Associate Professor, Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Upson Hall, Room 363

KIC Experimental Fellow (2022 - pres)

Webb@KIC Grad Fellow (2022-2023)

Associate Professor, Meinig School of Biomedical Engineering

Weill Hall, Room 301

KIC Grad Fellow (2022-2023)

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Spencer T. Olin Professor of Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Bard Hall, Room 330

Samuel B. Eckert Professor of Engineering, Applied and Engineering Physics

Clark Hall, Room 252

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Executive Committee Member, William L. Quackenbush Professor of Engineering

IBM Professor of Engineering and Director of the School of Applied and Engineering Physics

Clark Hall, Room 276

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Webb@KIC Grad Fellow (2014-2015)

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Past KIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient

Nanoscience@KIC Graduate Fellow

Duffield 358

KIC Experimental Fellow (2020 - 2023)

Associate Professor, Meinig School of Biomedical Engineering

Weill Hall, Room B41